Who We Are


Everyone wants to belong but men often will try to build it with the wrong tools. At Epik Project, we are a bunch of guys learning how to use the right tools to build a better story of belonging.


Belonging is our most fundamental human need. If we do not understand how it works, we damage ourselves and those around us in our struggle to meet that need. Epik Project seeks to heal the hurt and the hurting by sharing our stories in authentic community. We call this Telling A Better Manstory.

Belonging is a structure we build with our stories. And we are done building when every story fits.
— Curtis Miller

Meet the Team

Founder & CEO

Program Director

Operations Manager

Communications Director

Program Manager

Program Manager

Meet the Board

Board Chair

Board member

Board Member

Board member

Board Member

What We Do

Over a decade ago, Epik Project set out to disrupt the demand for sexual exploitation at the point of sale. We got pretty good at that! However, after a while, we began to understand that in order to truly disrupt the demand for exploitation we had to address the culture that allows it to thrive. And the more we addressed the culture, the more we realized we had to change as men who exist in that culture.

We started out doing one thing and that one thing has compelled us to expand the scope of our work.

An Epik Impact

What We Believe

Generative Masculinity

Humility: Epik Project men have the eyes to see ourselves for who we truly are.

Empathy: We have a broken heart for the brokenness in the world.

Meekness: We have a shoulder that can lean into hard things or that can be leaned on during hard times.

Appetite for Justice: We understand that this work is a long game, requiring our attention over our lifetimes which we can stomach

What She Said

From the beginning, Epik Project has been informed by the wisdom of trafficking survivors. It has made us who we are and shaped what we do. We are committed to listening to, following, and elevating their leadership. Here are some examples of why we do this.

Our Partners
