Disrupting the Demand for Commercial Sexual Exploitation
Disrupting the demand for commercial sexual exploitation.
Dismantling the forces that perpetuate it.
Nurturing a generation of men who won’t buy sex.
Human Trafficking in America is a business and business is booming. Trafficking is at an all-time high, and unfortunately, so is male loneliness. At Epik Project we are tackling both of these issues by bringing men together, building community, and addressing sexual exploitation at its roots; the Demand.
Trafficking & Exploitation are Driven by Demand.
Demand for commercial exploitation is driven by many factors and ideologies. Studies show that men who purchase sex are likely to have started purchasing at a young age and with encouragement from older men. They are more likely to view women as objects.
Source: Demand Abolition
→ Being a man today is not an easy task. Modern masculinity can sometimes feel like a wilderness. There is so much conversation about whether or not masculinity is healthy or toxic, porn culture, expectations & more. Where do we begin to make sense of who we are?
→ Not only is masculinity a wilderness, we often feel alone in it. Male loneliness is at epidemic levels which is not only tragic, it correlates to more men seeking commercial sex. Unfortunately, the demand for commercial sex is precisely what drives human trafficking!
→ As men, we are navigating a culture that has taught us that it is ok (or even normal) to purchase another person for our own sexual gratification. This further complicates our sense of masculinity. Epik Project is an invitation to men to wrestle with these issues and work together to address the deeper roots of the demand that drives sex trafficking.
We are not law enforcement, politicians, or celebrities, we are just a bunch of guys. Founded in 2012, Epik Project is singularly focused on the demand that drives sex trafficking. Since its inception, we have disrupted hundreds of thousands of phone calls for commercial sexual exploitation and have made a huge dent in the landscape of exploitation. We have also impacted countless men’s lives by directly engaging sex buyers at the point of sale. We have supported survivors and survivor-led organizations across the country; financially, through advocacy, and by providing emergency assistance. We have informed policy at the state and federal levels.
Next steps
You are not alone in this wilderness.